So the picture isn't thaaat great, but you get the idea. For those of you who don't know, I'm taking a Home Decore class and loving it. Mom has donated the fabric for the guest room for me use in my assignments. So its a win-win situation... I get free fabric for a grade and mom has a big project off her huge "To Do" list. This is a pic of the curtain bottom. Its gunna look soooo good! Its a floor length curtain and it's going to have tab tops with decorative brown buttons to go with it. Mom is so stylish!
Here's Dillon the Dinosaur and Owen the Froggy at Halloween!! Aren't they cutie patooties?? We had fun at our wards trunk or treat. What good little boys.
It has been a year now since grandpa Bauer has passed away and I only have sweet memories of him. I am glad that I had the blessing and opportunity to know and spend time with this great man. A big thanks to the Bauers for the reminder and fun picture of grandpa.
Cassie and I really had a great time together this Halloween. We were able to carve pumpkins, bake some cookies, relax, and take a nice little nap. Cassie helped me carve the pumpkins. I think it is funny that carving pumpkins goes a lot faster now that I am bigger and older than I used to be. I remember carving pumpkins as a kid taking much longer than it does now but it is just as fun. Next year I think I am going to do the puking pumpkin because I think that one is really funny. I am sad that carved pumpkins don't last very long here because of the weather and the low humidity levels. Oh well, our bread lasts a lot longer here. :-)