Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ahh, poetry at its most entertaining

Sonnet 20-1-18-4-9-19

Shall I ever know thee, thou truest name?
Thou Lord of Time and Son of Galifrey,
By thy title Doctor, all laud your fame;
Champion of worlds and bringer of day.

Last of thy kind thou travel time and space
With Rose, Martha, Donna, companions three.
Ever to fight and save the human race,
Quoth thee to Will, “To be or not to be”

And taught Shakespeare the power of the pen.
But though timeless thou be, death marketh all.
Thou fought the Master, Daleks, Cybermen;
When the Dalek fired, ‘twas your downfall.
When in death’s grip you wander, my heart aches;
Though joy returns when you regenerate.
Fun Fact: The sonnet number is a simple alpha-numeric cipher that spells out TARDIS.

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